welcome to

daniela boogie daniela.lol daniela boogie

my little own personal site

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im daniela, it/she, 19 years old, german.
i mostly do coding but i also have experience in 3d modeling, a bit of art experience, and lots of more things.
i typically do game modding, as thats what i enjoy doing the most but i also enjoy creating things from scratch.

places u can find me at:
https://lethallava.land/@daniela https://github.com/danielah05

if u like the things i work on, consider supporting me through my ko-fi page!
would highly appreciate any support possible!!! :3
thanks to my current ko-fi supporters!!!
any future ko-fi supports will be listed here and in any future project i work on!!

my awesome and cool friends:

daniela.lol thxdee.neocities.org invoxiplaygames.uk ioletsgo.gay notnite.com whistlr.neocities.org devkats.club bekzii.neocities.org maniac95.info listography.com/DavidPCM youtube.com/@gaminclampshow zulc22.site